Squirrel Removal Burlington, Oakville, Milton Waterdown

Squirrel Pest Removal

Are squirrels driving you nuts? Understanding squirrel habits is one of the keys to determining what kind of nuisance problem you’re dealing with. Once you’ve got that nailed down, you can begin to evaluate your options for getting rid of nuisance squirrels!

Squirrel habits vary depending on species, but the most common nuisance problems are caused by the Grey Squirrel. These little varmints spend the day foraging for food, burying and digging up their treasures, and building nests to house their future offspring. Their damage ranges from minor nuisances to situations where you may be declaring all out war on squirrel-kind. In any case, it’s better to know your enemy. Here’s a closer look at some of their most troublesome habits:

Squirrel Habit #1: Foraging For Food

Foraging for food is likely the main cause of your squirrel trouble. They will eat vegetables, plants, and fruit, plus help themselves to the bird seed from your bird feeders. They will even chase birds away to protect this source of food, much to the dismay of avid birdwatchers.

Cleaning up any fruit or nuts that have fallen into your yard will reduce the attraction for these critters. Another option is to put out squirrel feeders so they won’t have to resort to raiding your garden.

Squirrel Habit #2: Burying and Digging up Food

Burying and digging up food is done to save food for later. It’s not normally a big issue as these squirrels will dig a hole only large enough for an acorn and then cover up the treasure with dirt to hide it from others. Despite this habit being one of their less destructive behaviors, it is still a nuisance for those who have invested significant time, money, and energy in nurturing their beautiful lawn.

Motion-activated sprinklers can work, but it likely won’t be enough since the squirrels will get used to them. If you have a pet dog or cat, let them roam free in your yard if you can – squirrels will wisely keep their distance. You can deter squirrels from your potted plants and flower beds by spraying the error with predator pee (ex. wolf or tiger). It’s also advisable to contact your local wildlife removal services for advice on protecting your lawn, especially if you have children and/or pets using the affected areas. It’s important to ensure that any squirrel deterrents used will not harm children or pets.

Squirrel Habit #3: Building Nests

Building nests is the single most destructive and costly problem that they cause because they often build their “home” in your attic or walls. They damage the exterior to gain access, displace insulation, and leave a mess everywhere. They have also been known to cause fires by chewing on electrical wiring. Because their teeth are always growing, they gnaw on hard nuts, acorns or anything else that’s available. Repairing this damage can range from relatively easy to quite complex. Be sure to locate and repair their point of entry to prevent the squirrels from coming right back. Their teeth may be small, but they are sharp and will gnaw through anything that’s not metal. A fine metal mesh over the opening that they made to gain entry to your home is a good barrier to prevent future visits.

Summing Up

Dealing with these nuisance problems is made easier by understanding the habits of your neighborhood squirrels. There are many remedies available to deter theses critters, but if the thought of getting rid of them yourself is overwhelming, consider giving your local wildlife and pest removal company a call. They have expertise in non-lethal methods of removal, and can relocate the squirrels to a more suitable environment away from housing areas.

If you’re in the Burlington, Oakville, Milton, Halton Hills or Waterdown areas, call Halton Wildlife now for a squirrel or wildlife removal quote!