You’ve no doubt seen squirrels running around your neighbourhood and yard and wondered where they call home. These active critters typically prefer to live in forested areas where they have easy access to a steady supply of nuts and acorns, as well as plenty of shelter and protection from predators. However, with squirrel populations increasing and more of them moving into more urban settings, they are left to find safe and comfortable places to live and nest within your neighbourhood. This is why it’s more important than ever to keep an eye on any possible entrances to your attic.

Why are squirrels trying to live in my attic?

When squirrels are in your attic, why doesn’t matter. At Halton Wildlife Services, we care about removing them humanely, preventing re-entry and of course – assessing and cleaning up any debris, excrements and addressing repairs required. If you’re in Burlington, Oakville, Milton and area get a fast quote and get rid of nuisance squirrels now!

Squirrels are always on the hunt for the perfect place to create a den. Because this den is often a place for them to store food, create a nest and have babies, it must meet certain standards in order to be good enough for them to stay.

Attics are usually warm, dry, dark and protected spaces so they make the perfect den for a squirrel. Since an attic is set so far above the ground and is often difficult to get into, it is usually very safe from predators.

Attics are a great place for squirrels to hibernate through the winter and during bad weather as they are usually very warm and sheltered. However, there are also usually many weakened areas that can make for easy entrance points for squirrels. Thanks to their sharp teeth squirrels are able to chew through the plastic and aluminum covers on vents as well as any thin areas of wood or siding.

Signs of a squirrel in your attic

There are several telltale signs of a squirrel in your attic that you may or may not notice throughout the day. If you notice one or two of these signs and have any concerns, it’s important to investigate further as squirrels can create quite a bit of damage if left alone in your home.

1. There are scratching, scurrying and chewing sounds in your ceiling or attic

When squirrels are in your attic, you’ll hear them scratching the wood with their claws which can travel through your house. You’ll also likely hear them chewing on wires and wood as they try to tear out material to create their nest. It’s also possible for a squirrel to fall down into the crevices between your walls and make scratching sounds as they struggle to get out.

2. You notice the scent of urine or other unpleasant smells coming from your vents

As squirrels urinate and defecate in your attic the smell can permeate through to the rest of your home. In addition, if any squirrels have died in your attic the smell will quickly spread through your vents.

3. You have electrical issues in your upper floors

Squirrels have a tendency to chew anything and everything that is in their space in order to help sharpen their teeth. It’s not uncommon for them to chew through wires in your attic, which can lead to electrical issues and fire hazards.

4. You notice water damage on your ceiling

If squirrels have created a hole in your siding or roof in order to get into your attic, they have likely also opened it up to the elements as well. This can lead to water getting into your attic and leeching into your ceiling.

How to get squirrels out of your attic

Step 1: Find out how they got in – If you can access the inside of your attic, look for signs of light shining through your roof, eaves or walls. If you cannot access the inside of your attic, look around the outside of your home looking for any possible entry points. Finding a squirrels’ entry point is the first step in figuring out how to get them out and preventing their re-entry.

Step 2: Determine if there are babies – During baby season, which happens twice a year in the spring and fall, it’s likely that there are babies in your attic along with their mother. This means that you are unable to set up exclusion traps, since the babies would then end up trapped, abandoned and left to die in your attic.

Step 3: Call a professional – Often the easiest solution to getting squirrels out of your attic is to call a professional for help. They’ll be able to guide you on whether you are trying to remove a mother and babies and the best ways to get them out safely. A professional will also be able to give you suggestions on how to prevent their re-entry.

Step 4: Prevent re-entry – Once the squirrels are safely out of your attic and you’re sure that there are no babies left inside, ensure that all holes in your siding and vents are repaired. Install pest proof vent covers to prevent squirrels and other pests from chewing through plastic vent covers and seal up any breaks in the eavestroughs.

If you’ve squirrels in your attic, don’t delay to get them out and seal entry points. For that, you’ll want the services of wildlife removal professionals to take care of removal, damage repair and prevention!