When dealing with a pest infestation in your home it can be hard to know what you’re dealing with. Once of the most common pests to take up residence but fly under the radar are mice. These tiny creatures can look cute but can actually be quite the hassle, and are even harder to get rid of!

Don’t underestimate mice

Mice are determined little creatures and can squeeze their way into your home through the smallest of entry points. While you may think your home is safe from an infestation, mice may have made their way in without you even realizing it.

The most unfortunate thing about a mouse infestation is that it can grow to an unmanageable level very quickly, mostly because of how often mice reproduce. Unlike racoons and squirrels, mice have babies pretty well year-round so an intrusion of one or two mice can get out of hand before you know it.

Do you suspect mice in your home? Whether in the attic, walls or your living spaces – get them out now. In Oakville, Burlington, Milton and area call Halton Wildlife Services for your rodent removal needs. We’re local!

Why do mice want to get into your home?

Mice are generally after just 3 things when looking for a place to make themselves comfortable and at home. Your home often presents the best opportunity to find all of these things, making it very susceptible to a mouse infestation.

A place to nest

Mice will enter your home with the explicit goal of finding somewhere to nest and have babies. They are rather undiscerning in what this space should look like, and will aim for somewhere that is isolated, warm and near to a food source. This is why you’ll often find them hiding behind your fridge or under your stove.

Keep an eye out for shredded or ripped newspapers, magazines, tissue boxes or cardboard boxes. Mice like to use paper and other soft items to line their nest.

Comfort and warmth

The suitable living conditions needed by mice aren’t all that different than those a human would look for. Aside from needing food, the other main thing that mice look for when creating a den is comfort, warmth and safety. Small spaces like under floorboards, in walls, in dark corners of your basement or garage or even in your attic are the perfect places for a mouse to create a den.

A food source

Mice aren’t very picky in their search for food to keep themselves fed, so your home likely offers them an all you can eat buffet! From crumbs on the floor to poorly sealed bags in your pantry, there is no shortage of satisfying food sources in your home. Mice also don’t need an abundant water source to live, so there doesn’t need to be water present for them to get comfortable. Instead, they usually get enough water from the foods they eat.

How to prevent mice from settling in your home

There are several simple things that you can do to help prevent mice from making themselves comfortable in your home.

Be food aware – Food in your pantry and cupboard should be stored in airtight containers to prevent entry. Be sure to sweep your kitchen, clean under appliances and wipe out cupboards regularly to avoid crumbs and food buildup.

Seal entry points – Small holes such as those made in exterior walls for piping or cables and gaps under doors can be the perfect size for a mouse to squeeze though. A hole only needs to be large enough for a mouse’s jaw to fit through it, which can be as small as 10mm. 

Use mesh – In case of cracking or gaps in your vent covers or roof, use wire mesh to cover the holes. This ensures that mice and other rodents can’t chew their way through the mesh.

Prevent mice from entering by taking action now

You want to take these measures before a mouse has gotten in because once they’ve made themselves comfortable in your home and begun nesting, it will likely take a professional to help clear out the infestation. While there are some DIY methods you can employ, be careful that you handle both the pests and their excrement with caution.